Panel Discussions and Workshop Sessions



Title: The Latino Law Students Survival Guide: Tips on How to Navigate the Additional Challenges of Prejudice and Bias in the Law School Environment – and Not Only Survive, But Thrive

Date and Time: Friday, JULY 10, 2024 * 1:45 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.

Description: This session goes beyond the typical law student discussions about the difficulties and rigors of law school academically and socially. Here, panelists explain how to survive law school as a Latino/a student. They discuss the harsh realities of being a minority student in law school, as well as the importance of diversity in law schools, and the challenges that this diversity can bring. Panelists address prejudice and bias in a diverse law school environment, particularly issues that Latino law students must be prepared to face both inside and outside of the classroom.

There will be discussion about intelligently and thoughtfully navigating racial issues in daily law school life. They will also discuss how to handle issues they may confront in seeking legal jobs, during the interview process and in legal work settings while still a law student that can help them to be successful during internships and externships, clinical experiences, summer jobs, and beyond.

In addition, time will be spent sharing the importance of participating in affinity groups, getting law student and lawyer mentors early, and having a very solid support system with family and friends both inside and outside law school prior to and throughout the entire law school experience.

Further, panelists will talk about the important and positive impact of Latino students’ leadership in various extracurricular and co-curricular activities throughout the law school community, and the importance of their making positive and concrete contributions while there to make the law school and their fellow students better.


Stacey Burke, J.D.
Recent Graduate
Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School
Immediate Past South-Atlantic Regional Director, National Latino/a Law Student Association
Atlanta, Georgia

Ana A. Núñez Cárdenas
Co-President, Latin American Law Students Association
Third-Year Law Student
Brooklyn Law School
Brooklyn, New York

Brencis Navia
Third-Year Law Student
Rutgers Law School
Newark, New Jersey

Hernan Ortiz
Second-Year Evening Law Student
Brooklyn Law School
Brooklyn, New York

Alex Peña
Immediate Past President
National Latina/o Law Student Association
Third-Year Law Student
Boston College Law School
Boston, Massachusetts

Andrea Rodriguez
Third-Year Law Student
Fordham University School of Law
New York, New York



Title: Inside the Careers of Latino Lawyers: What We Do, How We Got to Where We Are and Wisdom for the Challenges Ahead

Date and Time: Friday, JULY 10, 2024 * 3:15 P.M. – 4:30 P.M.

Description: Panelists will briefly discuss their educational and career backgrounds, as well as their current positions and the work they do with legal training. This panel is designed to expose aspiring Latino lawyers to the various possibilities available to those possessing a professional legal education.

Additionally, tips will be given as to how to gain entry into these various jobs and what it really takes to perform them. Panelists also address the additional challenges that Latino lawyers face and advice on how to overcome them and to succeed and advance in their careers in the years ahead.


Karim Batista, Esq.
Law Offices of Karim Batista, P.A.
Coral Gables, Florida

Javier J. Diaz, Esq., M.S.
Employee Benefits Associate
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
Deputy Regional President – Region II
Hispanic National Bar Association
New York, New York

Major Carlos M. De Dios
Deputy Director and Chief, Force Management Branch
Professional Development Directorate
Office of the Judge Advocate General
Washington, DC


Peter Garcia, J.D.
Senior Associate
BDO Consulting
New York, New York